PrEP Services

What Are PrEP Medications?
The Food and Drug Administration has approved three medications for the use of PrEP.
Truvada is a pill that you take daily
Descovy is a pill that you take daily
Apretude is an injection that you take every other month
Who Should Consider Taking PrEP?
PrEP is for people who do not have HIV but are at risk of getting HIV through sex or injection drug use.
PrEP is for men, women, and teenagers who engage in sexual activity and do not know the HIV status of their partner.
PrEP is for individuals who have an HIV-positive partner.
PrEP is for people who have multiple sexual partners.
PrEP is for people who do not consistently use condoms.
PrEP is for people who have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease.
PrEP is for people who inject drugs
PreP is for people who have a partner who injects drugs
Criteria For Getting PrEP
You must be HIV negative
You must be at risk of getting HIV via sex or drugs
You must weigh at least 78 pounds
PrEP is Free $0.00
If you have insurance we will work with your insurance
If you do not have insurance, we will get you on an insurance plan
If you do not work and do not have insurance, we will get you the medication via the pharmaceutical company.

Call us today!
(956) 723-7457